12 Ways to Earn Money with Amazon Affiliate Marketing Program

You must be aware of loads of overemphasis about how you can earn from doing amazon affiliate marketing. Or, you would have set up a website with the objective of earning money from affiliate marketing and would have used up money to buy a domain, paid for hosting the site, used the services of a web designer to construct your website only to discover the money earned is insufficient to cover up your capital investment. Well, probably you have not attempted the appropriate affiliate program. There is a method to earn from the affiliate marketing through the Amazon Associates program.


How do you earn through Amazon Affiliate Marketing

There are several things that you would need know and do if you are really thinking about earning from the Amazon Affiliate Marketing. Here, we shall take a brief look at how to encounter the dissimilarities in this program and expand your trade after earning money:

1. Study some fundamental HTML of which you are not aware

To minimize your costs, you need to learn a bit of elementary HTML. It does not matter if the site is essentially created for you, it is valuable to be aware of how images are placed, and hyperlinks are created and a little bit of text formatting.

2. Decide on your topic

As you will be engaged in loads of product analysis endorsements, you will have to pick up a topic that you are passion about or anything you have a wide understanding of. If your passion does not lie on that topic, then you are most likely to lose interest in the course of time. Henceforth, it is suitable to choose from something that interests you.

3. Select a domain name

It does not really have to be wise but keyword flavourful. Take time to analyse how people will view at your website. You should look for a suitable name that people would more frequently search for in the search engines like Google and Yahoo.

4. Register the domain name you choose

If you are not technically apt, you can register your domain name on the same website you will be setting up your hosting to make it effortless for you. Still, if you wish to save some cash, you can go to a low-cost provider. This should not be a big thing using 1 or 2 websites but would be a great deal for up to 10 or 20. I use Namecheap, who have great domain management tools and are less than $10 a year.

5. Build up Web Hosting for your website

This is where many people make mistakes and tend to go wrong. You will not need to spend up to $10 a month for web hosting. There are firms that charge only as low as $4 a month with boundless domains meaning you can operate more than one website in the same package.

6. Set up a personal blog software


This will give your website the structure it really requires and makes it easier for entering new content. Well, WordPress is the best available option here as it is easier to install and operate, as it is an open source software, besides being very powerful. Just download it and follow the instructions.

7. Present it in a good looking manner

This is a unique aspect that makes WordPress outstanding from the rest of the lot. There are several available templates that can offer an exclusive look at your personal blog/website.

8. Visit Amazon.com website and register as an associate

There is absolutely no adversity in getting instituted with Amazon Affiliate Marketing. Just visit amazon.com and hit on the Join Associates button and the bottom of the page.

9. Develop a personal blog by including links/bookmarks

There are 2 valuable links you require to make the process easy. The first link is the blog posting link lying on the posting page of the blog software labelled as “bookmarklet”. Hit on the link while holding on to the mouse down and drag it upwards to your Links toolbar in the browser you use. This makes it most likely to utilise the click of a mouse in order to blog a product.

10. Devise the Amazon Build-a-Link bookmark/link

This makes it simpler for building the link with the affiliate ID inherent. Log on to Associates Central and in the navigation sidebar to the left, move to Build-A-link, and to the Static Links lying below, and search for Individual Items. Hit on this link and pull it onto to either your Favourites menu / the Links toolbar.

11. Create your first link


Log on to your Amazon Associates account and search for the product you desire to review and then use Site Stripe to receive your actualized link to the item. Also, there is a wide range of options available to create banners and links.

12. Blog your analysis

Once you have completed writing your review, the next subsequent thing you will have to do is to present it live by hitting on your blog post the link (in WordPress you will view it as – the Press It! Icon).

Amazon Affiliate Marketing is a very powerful way to earn money if you are truly deliberate about it. With a combination of sufficient knowledge, skills, commitment and the right attitude, you are most likely to earn big money in no time!

Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Editorial Staff at Techlofy is a team of Digital Marketing experts led by Ashfaq Ahmad.

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