10 Points You Must Consider Before Developing an App

Unique and genuine are two characteristic we always try to find in things we seek heartily. The same notion stands true when a smart phone user downloads an app and finds out of the box qualities in it. Everyday countless apps are launched but some see the light of success. Then how can you be sure to developing an app which never dominated the market? Even if your concept is heavy and lucrative, the probability of downloading and using the app depends on various circumstances.

Top 10 sticky notes for developing an app:

Developing a mobile application is all about challenge to fit in small space, be handy and glitch free so that the utilization must be smooth. Below are some facts that you must consider while shaping your dream into reality.

1. Target audience

The boom of use smart phones purchasers range in between 15 to 35 years and maximum of them fantasize various handy cool apps. Before even designing the app it is better to know your targeted users and develop it accordingly. The more you know the mentality the better is the chance of making it popular.

2. Bug free glitch free lag free

Automatically stopping or frozen apps are a disgusting part. A mobile user hates this part. Sometimes app requires more time to load. Try to develop a smooth version that requires less time, glitch free and bug less as much as possible for better user experience.

3. Unbiased feedback

Third party feedbacks and criticism should be welcomed for the betterment of the app to make it more user-friendly.

4. Learning curve

The app should not be critical to understand and time consuming rather using it must seem like a privilege. Time is very less for everyone these days. Make it count.

5. The Social media connection

The largest traffic is found in the social media sphere. Options must be provided in the app that can connect your app to the social media platforms for better visibility and hits.

6. Customization spell

Everyone likes to improvise. Customized outlook or versions seem to be owned by the users. It defines their thoughts. Add customization features and make the app more appealing.

7. Fuel the excitement

People love ‘something new always keep coming’ fact. It is an added advantage made of excitation and curiosity where the user lingers for newer features.

8. Tap on competition

Before starting the war it is better to know who your enemies are. Learning about the competition will always keep you ahead of the curve. The techniques will make your imagination dig deeper for better outcomes.

9. Platform

Android platforms are best for popularity but Apple iOS platforms are better for earning.

10. Risk management

Do your homework well and strategize. Keep an eye on the history of the development so that you can look back for glance at your mistakes. Investment is a crucial part. Keep the portfolio steady and low to handle risks better.

Following these steps will make lessen the risk and elevate the probability of the app getting popular in the smart world.

Developing an App

Editorial Staff at Techlofy is a team of Digital Marketing experts led by Ashfaq Ahmad.

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