15 Must Know SEO Writing Tips for Higher Rankings

Using Search Engine Optimization is a great way of driving traffic to your website and, if used effectively, it can lead to a higher ranking.

But how do you go about using Search Engine Optimization? How do you use this tool to make things great for you? Here is how.

SEO Writing Tips: 15 Ways To Rank Higher In SERPs

1. Look Ahead

Before coming up with your website, make sure you do research on the possible topics that are most searched for on the web.

You do this by googling the most searched things in your area, be it state or country. Afterward, pick a search that you are most comfortable with.

For example let’s say you find that “tree removal” is one of the most searched things around your area, you can build a business around this search by creating a website that specializes in tree removal.

This technique helps you to be prepared.

2. Use of SEO Software

When you’re ready to publish your content, you may want to use friendly software to help in boosting your numbers.

Sites like WordPress offer a variety of plugins that can help in achieving this. These software can really help as they match your site with what is being searched for, and also refer to your site among other sites, thus leading to higher rankings on the web.

3. Consistency

Search engines prefer websites that publish content consistently. If you want to be among the top websites, you need to do more. Create more content, this way you’ll be making it easier for the web crawlers to get to your website as your content will be everywhere.

It’s advised to publish content at least 3 or 4 times a week, this way by the end of the month there will be at least 12 articles on your website which can contribute to higher rankings.

4. Be Elaborate

Search engines like Google prefer lengthy works. Having an in-depth article really helps in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Make sure your articles have at least 1000 words or more. This will normally add up to 3 pages and that can be enough for the search engine to see you as reliable, thus giving you a higher ranking.

5. Be Interesting

Being interesting doesn’t just add up to having interesting articles; no, it’s more than that. It also entails having users participate on your blogs. This can be done by engaging your users whenever they come to your website. When you do, they can be sure to come back as they’ll be interested in the engagement with you and fellow users.

The lesser known secret is that search engines rely on bounce rates to give higher rankings.

6. Standout Titles

For people to click on your articles, you need to have a standout heading that can entice them to go to your website. The catchier your titles are, the more people you will have visiting your website. The click rate of a website can be considered to be a contributing factor when a search engine ranks your website, so be sure to make your headlines compelling in order to get those clicks.

7. Using Subheads

Using subheadings to organize your content can be a resourceful technique to get higher rankings. A subheading in HTML includes the “h” tags that run from h1 to h6. By organizing your headings this way, you are making the search bots’ work much easier, because they are able to make the much-needed match with what’s being searched for.

Also, make sure to have keywords in your heading as they, too, contribute to your site having a higher ranking.

8. Include Snippets

The Metadata on your website’s page is what people see to make sure it’s the content they are looking for. For those who don’t know where the Metadata goes, it’s in the header part of your HTML and appears below the title when results are displayed, and it’s normally gray and black in color.

This data helps search bots associate you with a specific topic or a number of words. So be sure to add the relevant words or statements that will entice people to click on your website, getting you higher rankings.

9. Use of Keywords

In your titles, be sure to include keywords that people may want to see. Keywords carry a lot of weight when someone is searching for something or wants to click a link. Keywords are best used when placed at the beginning of the title; this is because the user is in a hurry and wants to find the best possible answer as quickly as possible.

10. Links to Trusted Sites

If you’ve ever read the published paper on how the Google investors explain how page rankings work, you will know that this is the most fundamental part of page ranking.

For those who don’t know, this is how it works. When you link yourself to a well-known site and it links back to you, your site ranking goes up as you are associated with a trusted source. If you link your site to a trusted website with a ranking of 90%, and someone else links theirs to multiple sites with a ranking of 10% to 25%, the search engine will choose your site because it’s a trusted source, so you are trustworthy by association, thus the higher ranking.

Being associated with trusted sites may also assist with the user experience.

11. Anchor Text

Make sure you diversify your anchor texts so as not to attract certain penalties which can be caused by optimizing links to match certain keywords.

12. Inbound Links

Search engines look for any trusted quality back links assigned to your site. If present, your content can be viewed as trustworthy and useful. There are several ways to build inbound links, like maintaining a steady stream of content and linking to other blogs.

13. Optimized Pictures

Adding images to any post is a sure thing, but to add value to your site, you can optimize the pictures in terms of the file size and descriptions. Such little things can boost traffic and get you higher rankings.

14. Long Tails

Having long tail keywords makes it easier for your site to get a higher ranking as they are less competitive. Plus, users that come across your site using such terms are likely to stay.

15. Respond To Questions

Whenever people come to a search engine, they’re looking for answers and they hope that the search engine can help them get those answers. So why shouldn’t you be the one to have them?

When you start a site, try to answer questions that bother people, this way you will be labeled credible and it will lead to a higher ranking and get more clicks on your links.


The tips discussed above can go a long way in helping you with your SEO. They are not just restricted to articles and blog posts, you can apply these tips to writing term papers. All the best with your writing!

SEO writing tips

Editorial Staff at Techlofy is a team of Digital Marketing experts led by Ashfaq Ahmad.

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