Top 7 Futuristic Cloud Technologies That Will Change The World

Do you think that cloud computing has evolved in diverse fields of applications? we are still so far from the time when you can say, you will order your food on the cloud!

Cloud computing is transforming the world very swiftly but positively. Take the example of Mobile phones, when you want to buy the latest model of smartphones, then and there you get fascinated by the upgraded version of it.

Do you also keep wondering sometimes with very genius thoughts like Will I ever get a chance to download my favorite Pizza from the internet? Will I be able to ride my own bike in the air? Aren’t these very cool? Well, we are already on the verge of change! Don’t believe? You can get to know a few very remarkable changes with cloud computing below and we would love to know your views and ideas for the change we are flowing in.

7 Futuristic Cloud Technologies


More advanced drones are coming to the market as a result of innovation and big investment amalgamated with the constant evolution of Drone technology, UAV technology is the most popular drones on the market, which have all the cutting-edge drone technologies. We can transform the world with Drones in various ways.

Drones for Agriculture


According to a Dronefly press release, the use of drones in agriculture can basically be boiled down into four segments: Crop field scanning with compact multispectral imaging sensors, creation of GPS Map through the on-board cameras, heavy payload transportation, and livestock monitoring with thermal-imaging camera-equipped drones.

In simple terms, do you know that you can scan your crop, map the surface,  deliver items and count animals using drones?

What is most fascinating is the sheer labor and effort it took to accomplish the above mentioned four tasks before drones came into the picture. Farmers needed huge air-crafts, heavy lifting machinery, trucks, and manual labor to accomplish the above-mentioned tasks.

Drones for Delivery


No story is complete without Amazon peeking in for a glance. Amazon was granted a new patent by the Trademark Office for a delivery drone that can respond to human gestures. From a two-day delivery to two-hour delivery, Amazon’s next vision is to get this down to less than 30 minutes.

2. Driverless Cars


With driverless cars all set to rule the roads (not Indian roads, though) by 2021, as predicted by the UK government and many trade professionals, they are said to change the entire face of personal mobility forever. So, a lot of automobile manufacturers and technology companies are investing a lot in the development of the autonomous project. They’ll undoubtedly make our roads safer, give us more free time and make our journey faster, but what are the less predictable consequences of driverless cars?

With driverless cars, you probably won’t own your car

It’s likely that owning your car will become far less common, with a think tank, RethinkX predicting that by 2030 there will be an 80% drop in demand for new cars.

Road rage will no longer exist

Road rage is arduous for people traveling on road, including car drivers and pedestrians. The reduction of road rage could save many lives. Recent data shows that 66% of traffic tragedies are because of the aggressive driving of some kind, which can be one of the consequences of road rage. Out of 38.6 Million license holders in the UK, a massive 80% of Britishers suffered from road rage in 2017. Once road users’ hand over all the driving control to the car, there will be no reason for road rage as each car will strictly adhere to road regulations. This reduction of road rage could save lives.

3.Google Glass


Google Glass is the first in what is sure to be in a long list of wearable computers – things that are going to transform the world just as surely as the printing press did.

For those who have not yet experienced and felt Google Glass, it is a small, fairly unobtrusive eyepiece that you wear like a pair of glasses, which allows you to see the web also, and to be online, all the time. It may be called wearable, but it is embeddable – that is, you are effectively and personally “embedded” on the web all the time.

Glass not only gives the wearer the ability to access information and content at any time, anywhere in the world, it also gives the ability to capture, create and put their own content into the web all the time.

4. Robotics


As per the Google Cloud Robotics website analysis, the platform amalgamates Artificial intelligence with the cloud and robotics to enable an open ecosystem of automation solutions that deploy cloud-connected collaborative robots. The AI and ML services will foresee the unpredictable physical world and enable efficient robotic automation in highly dynamic environments.

The initiation of Google Cloud Robotics Platform will allow developers to have access to all of Google’s AI and data management capabilities, from Cloud AutoML to Cloud Bigtable, which currently has the beta versions of Natural Language, and Vision processing and AutoML Translations. Google is aiming that the object intelligence service will pose detection which can be used for grasping automated inventory and provide low-latency object recognition.

The Google Cloud Robotics Platform will make use of the Google Cartographer, which provides mapping in 2D and 3D and real-time simultaneous localization. The cartographer will process sensor data coming from multiple sources and give access to robots to localize in shared maps. Even the environment is changing over time, its spatial intelligence services will analyze workspaces and will be programmed to handle the query, react to changes in the environment and track changes.

5. 3-D printing


Just when you thought cloud computing had limited applications. The latest integration of 3D printing and cloud computing is bound to revolutionize technology.

Cloud computing is the process of storing and sharing data over a communication network like the Internet.

3D printing allows the invention of a three-dimensional object from a digital model. Using an additive process, successive sheets of material are laid down in shapes replicating the digital version of the model. It is similar to the mechanism used in inkjet printers, first developed in the late 1970s.

The integration of these two technologies gives birth to the idea of 3D printing through the Cloud.  Instead of businesses developing parts or products in their factories and then selling it to the end-users, customers could design products themselves by choosing materials to suit their requirements and create a 2D digital image. They can then upload their designs through a cloud-based application. Companies could simply print this design from the cloud application using a 3D printer and ship it back to the customer. 3D printing can become more available to people without the use of cutting edge technology, simply with the use of a phone or a tablet that can provide access to the company’s cloud-based 3D printing application.

6.  HealthCare



IT has had a huge impact on the healthcare industry: the benefits of digital transformation are changing how patient data is managed, helping healthcare providers make the best treatment decisions, reducing operational costs, and much more. Behind this technology is the cloud.

A  HIMSS Analysis survey published earlier this year revealed that 60% of the responding healthcare organizations are using the cloud for backup and disaster recovery and 51%  of them are now using the cloud for core clinical applications.

Going deep into this growth rate translates into million dollars, IDC reported in June of this year states that healthcare providers will spend $10.8 billion worldwide on cloud computing in 2018, with that figure being expected to grow by 26.1% in 2019. A BCC Research report published in January 2018 estimates that global spending by all healthcare stakeholders on cloud computing will reach up to $35 billion by 2022, at a double-digit cumulative annual growth rate of 11.6% over the 2017-2022 period.

Here we will explore the unique cloud challenges and benefits of cloud computing in healthcare, including three success stories of healthcare IT companies that leverage the cloud with the help of NetApp’s Cloud Volumes ONTAP.

There are numerous benefits of cloud computing in healthcare. On-demand cloud computing and storage reduces operational costs for healthcare providers. The cloud can also help support the data-heavy health IT technologies being used in the industry today such as electronic medical records, patient portals, mobile apps, medical devices with IoT technology, and the big data analytics behind improved decision support systems, and therapeutic strategies. The cloud has also transformed the face of clinical research, with enhanced support for knowledge-sharing and clinical trial management.

7.  Solar Panels


Do you know the big advantages of using solar energy? First of course is the environmentally-friendly factors of producing, and making use of, renewal energy and the long-term cost-efficiency of solar panels and renewal energy sources.

Over half the population of IT, decision-makers in a recent survey conducted by Computacenter consider power efficiency as a top priority in the data center. Yes, you heard that right, why so? There are many factors, but with power-efficiency comes greater cost-efficiency. Having a green data center is not significant if the hardware in the data center is not efficient on power usage – which supports the increasing discussion in the industry regarding the potential for low-power servers running ARM-based processors.


Thomas Burn is a blogger, digital marketing expert and working with Techlofy. Being a social media enthusiast, he believes in the power of writing.

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