6 Benefits Of Mobile Technology For Business Improvement

According to a recent study, it became evident that small businesses greatly rely on mobile technology for their improvement. According to the 2013 AT&T Small Business Technology Survey, 85% of small businesses use smart phones. Therefore mobile technology has become an integral part of the business world. Let us now analyze ways in which you can use this technology for business improvement.

1. Make your website mobile friendly

Most customers are more interested in placing orders on a mobile rather than on a PC or a desktop as it is more convenient for them. Therefore add an option of payment through mobile to your website making it easier for customers to pay instantly from anywhere in the world and design your website simply so that it is easily accessible from a mobile.

2. Go paperless, speed up and reduce costs

Mobiles allow you to save time by sharing data instantly through e-mail and social media from everywhere. This is much faster than waiting to be near a PC or carrying a heavy laptop all day. You also save paper and reduce costs by making data and information digital. This in turn reduces costs.

3. Adding cloud based SaaS for mobiles

Cloud based Software as a Service for mobiles helps you to offer telephone features for mobile customers like voicemail, caller-ID, conference bridges and the like. One company using this service is T-Mobile. This package is especially for businesses with 20 or less employees.

4. Huge help for your sales staff

If you design a specific business app for your internal business use, your employees can directly input data or access data instantly from anywhere through the app. Even without an app, a mobile makes it easy for your sales staff to communicate, send and receive mails, give presentations and control social media for marketing more actively.

5. Get closer to your customers and make your business literally 24*7

Most of you think that your business is going on 24*7 just because your business website is accessible 24*7. Well this is a wrong concept as a true 24*7 business means that the consumers are accessing it 24*7. Customers don’t spend all day sitting beside a PC. Here comes the advantage of mobiles and a mobile app for your business. They can now interact with you any time and from any place.

6. Appear cutting edge and modern

In the age of web and computers many businessmen ignored it as a passing trend and obviously they were the ones who remained backward. The same is the case with mobile technology. What is a consumer going to be interested in? A website that can only be accessed via a PC or a website that has mobile apps and 24 hour instant access? The answer is obvious. Therefore in order to send the right message to consumers and be cutting edge, mobile is important.

mobile technology for business

Editorial Staff at Techlofy is a team of Digital Marketing experts led by Ashfaq Ahmad.

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